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Men's Club

The Men's Club is committed to creating programs appealing to a wide array of interests, while promoting friendship, community service, and study. We invite all congregants to join us for exciting activities, learning and mitzvot.

Men’s Club programs include:

  • Torah on Tap - Come enjoy pizza and beer while we meet each week to discuss the weekly parsha, holiday, or study some interesting text.
  • World Wide Wrap - Neve Shalom Men’s Club, simultaneously with Men’s Clubs around the state, nation and globe, participate in the World Wide Wrap during which we encourage all members of Neve Shalom to don their tefillin and daven together.
  • Holiday Setup - Help set up seating for the High Holy Days or erect our Sukkah!  Every year the Men’s Club comes together to assist the synagogue in preparing for many of our holidays.
  • Breakfast, BBQs and More - Throughout the year, we organize breakfasts, BBQs, and dinners for our entire community.  Join us for Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah, Family Fun Day, and many other events!
  • Yellow Candles - The Men’s Club delivers special yahrzeit candles to the entire congregation for use on Yom Hashoah to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. Proceeds support our Youth community. 

Men’s Club is affiliated with the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs and meets on the first Thursday of each month.

The Neve Shalom Men’s Club is a recipient of the FJMC Quality Club Award, which is awarded annually to clubs which have demonstrated broad participation in FJMC and regional events and conducted a varied schedule of local programming.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785