One Community
Every Jewish Journey is unique. Neve Shalom is here to support you on your journey. Together, we build One Community.
View our bulletin to learn more about what's happening in our community each month! There are events going on that we are sure you'll want to be a part of!
Vibrant Prayer
From traditional, to family, to yoga services, join us throughout the year to experience prayer the Neve way!
Adult Education Programs
Take advantage of our award winning Adult Education Programs at Neve, Temple Emanu-El and the Jewish Community Center of Middlesex County. See the 2024-2025 Brochure here.
Lifelong Learning
The sound of learning can always be heard in the halls of Neve Shalom. Forge lifelong friendships through our pre-school, religious school, and adult ed classes.
Community Shabbat Dinners
Welcome Back!! Join us one Friday evening each month as we come together to share a meal, meet new friends, laugh with old friends, and experience a vibrant Shabbat service. Registration is required.
Loom Room
The Neve Shalom Loom Room provides users with a unique opportunity to create both meaningful and lasting memories as well as heirlooms which will be passed down over generations.
The Metuchen Preschool
For information or to schedule a tour, please call 732-605-4730 or email Director@TheMetuchenPreschool.com. Visit the Website: TheMetuchenPreschool.com